A breezy but mainly sunny morning for Carol (her first walk with us on her first day of retirement!), Angela, Hazel, myself & Ezio. Difficult to pick up movements of birds in the trees as all the leaves were in motion, but Blackcaps, Wrens, Robins and Chiffchaffs all singing, and we were treated to quite a few low-flying Swifts and House Martins throughout the walk. Several Little Egret young were still perched in the heronry, beside which were the Greylag Geese with their growing goslings. Not much to be seen in the fields today, apart from a Cormorant perched on a fence post and a Lapwing near the heronry. Hazel had to turn back at Stretham, while the rest of us headed along the river where we heard a Yellowhammer, several Reed Buntings, Linnets and, at New Wharf Farm, the only Lesser Whitethroat of the morning. A Cuckoo called distant at first, then much closer – which made Carol’s morning as she’d not heard one for a couple of years! After passing Frogshole what can only have been a Hobby flew over very fast, doing its impression of a large Swift, and in the wet patch SW of Buckwish Farm were a few more Lapwings, including one yellow faced well-grown juvenile.

46 species seen or (mainly) heard.

Val Bentley, 10th June 2024