Elmley Marshes are situated on the Isle of Sheppey. The Isle of Sheppey is one of the bleakest places I know (even bleaker than Dungeness). It is home to two prisons where, no doubt, prisoners prefer incarceration to wandering the bleak marshes. February is a bleak month. But ………………on February 5th, 2025, no hint of bleakness. The weather was beautiful and the wind a gentle breath.

The Henfield gang of 7 arrived shortly after 9 o’clock and joined an unexpected queue of cars at the reserve entrance. Apparently Vicki & George, the Hurstpierpoint branch of Henfield Birdwatch, didn’t realise it was a queue and zoomed successfully to the front!  Not the only rule we inadvertently broke on the day. Once having negotiated the formalities of paying we set off along the 1½ mile, potholey track from which we espied close-up Lapwings, Curlews, formidably large groups of Coots and the first of many overflying Marsh Harriers. On arriving at the car park we were surprised to encounter about 60 cars which had disgorged a healthy number of early birders. Many of these had not progressed beyond the car park’s boundary fence. For a very good reason.

Not 1 but 5 Short-Eared Owls were hunting or chilling out on strategically placed posts in a patch of rough, and no doubt rodent rich, grassland. We saw these owls across the entire reserve and reckoned there must have been at least 10. And that’s not all folks! Mike Russell had a new birding experience which quite made up for him having to wait nearly an hour for a coffee stop. It was the first time he had heard a vocalisation from a Marsh Harrier. They were calling to each other as they performed a soaring, gliding and tumbling display flight. At one point 6 were in the air at the same time which Mike pointed out would have constituted almost the entire British population of Marsh Harriers 40 years ago. Having been “wowed” by this we followed the pinging calls of Bearded Tits  and came across this.

We glimpsed a few whizzing amongst the reeds and rushes and instantly disappearing so the individual in the picture was really unusual and stonkingly special. He sat up on his breakfast bullrush without a care in the world. Just showing off I reckon.

A Reed Bunting, fed up with all the attention the Beardies were getting, made a cameo appearance and did look rather smart. In the trackside trees a group of Long Tailed Tits attracted a fan club of Blue & Great Tits and a rather splendid Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Before we return to the car park for lunch I would like to sing the praises of the humble Mallard because I had my personal “wow” moment when the sun caught the green heads of a group of drakes which became blazing emerald jewels.

So lunch! I have nothing but praise for the staff at Elmley. The car park supervisor was so kind to allow all 9 of us to sit at the tables situated in the residents only garden. Equally pleasant was the young lady who came over and assured us we were welcome to sit there and finish our food but that really we had broken the rules (second time today for George & Vicki!).

The post lunch walk was out into the marshes on a track running more or less parallel to the sea embankment. Many of the usual wildfowl suspects were present with Mallard putting on a large showing with a supporting cast of Shelduck, Wigeon, Teal, Shoveler & …….Coots. A Sparrowhawk along with Kestrels and Marsh Harriers intermittently spooked Lapwings, Golden Plovers and Starlings causing exhilarating clouds of birds to wheel skywards. One of these wader explosions was caused by 3 small falcons flying over at great height and speed. 2 of the birds were in an intricate courtship flight which probably rendered them harmless to Lapwings but exciting for humans. Indeed, seeing 3 Merlin at once and display behaviour was Mike’s second lifetime “first”.

A hide overlooking the mudflats gave views of far distant Dunlin, Redshank and unidentifiable pin pricks. Skeins of Brent Geese peppered the horizons as they came down to join Canada and Grey Lag Geese in the fields. In the reeds close by the hide a Water Rail piggy-squeaked, a Cetti’s warbler rattled a Little Egret flapped by in its usual leisurely fashion trailing its custard feet. A couple of Stonechats sat up demanding attention and a few spotted a tiny Wren whirring around.

Before turning for the return leg we were overflown by a small group of pipping Meadow Pipits and from a hide we found singles of Common Gull and Oystercatcher.

While driving out of the reserve we halted to watch a Short-Eared Owl with impeccable table manners swallow a black hued corpse (or parts of one) which rounded the trip off perfectly for me as I had seen my first Owl of the day politely regurgitating a large black pellet. Excellent!

From Elmley we made the slightest less short than expected detour to the raptor watchpoint at Capel Fleet. At last an intimation of bleakness as the sun started to go down as we watched Marsh Harriers coming in to roost in the adjacent reed beds. We had two other targets, One did not materialise, Hen Harrier. One did, Barn Owl.

A terrific end to a wonderful day out for Nigel & Debbie, Roger, Will, Claire, Vicki & George, Nige P and Mike.


All bird photos thanks to George.

Early in the week leading up to this trip I received the shocking news from Mike Russell that RSPB have closed the visitor centre at Dungeness. No pre walk coffee and chocolate chip cookie and no warm retreat from which to look at ducks while having lunch. Let’s face it, birdwatching in Dungeness is always a chilly business.

The brave souls who took part in the wintery adventure were Nigel, Carole, Brian, Steven, Lorna, Roger, Sue, Helen and Gavin. Helen managed to get us all to face the same way like Starlings on a wire!

We started in a hide looking over the main body of water which usually has more assorted wildfowl than the small group of Gadwall, Coots and Shovelers on show. The following day Mike gave me more information. When he was there the day before, volunteers were working on the water and the birds all cleared off. Well they were a bit slow coming back! Nonetheless, perseverance paid off and a pair of Goldeneye gave us a tantalizing glimpse from the safety of the further bank and a Marsh Harrier did a distant fly past. We moved on.

The lone reception warden must have filled up the feeders near the thankfully open loos as there were Blue & Great Tits accompanied by Chaffinches hungrily enjoying a late breakfast. From the next viewpoint we looked at a sleepy group of Great Blacked Gulls and discussed the size difference between them and the few Cormorants among them. We decided there was very little, just a difference in shape. From the last hide on the gravel pit (which has either been spirited away in a cost cutting exercise or is being replaced since all that was left was the concrete base) we were treated to the sight of more Cormorants on gravel banks mid-water or in the dead trees fringing the pit. There were Teal, Shoveler, Tufted Duck and yet more Coots. During the day both Sue and Steven commented on how much they enjoyed watching the Coots, who seemed to be able to squabble with anything.

At the far corner of the gravel pit is a final viewpoint from which we made several discoveries. A new duck species, Pochard. A tiny LBJ flashing into the reeds which I reckon was a Chiffchaff but too quick to be added to the list. A warden who told us where we might find a group of 6 Water Pipits. Whoosh, we were off to find them. The problem with Water Pipits is that they are small, brownish, look similar to Meadow Pipits at a distance and tend to disappear in even shortish grass.  At first we could discern nothing in the appointed field then a couple of small birds obliged fleetingly. At last a group of about 5 flew off but thankfully returned. Using all my birding skills I reckoned that 5 being close to 6 meant that they were quite likely to be the aforementioned Water Pipits at which point about 25 birds suddenly took flight then re-landed. Doubtless Meadow Pipits. Once again perseverance paid off and we got decent views of the original little group and Carole got a photo. Definitely Water Pipits. Yihaa!

Moving on exultantly we espied a huge flock of Lapwings in the air which Roger assured me was nothing like as big as the group he Brian and Carole had seen on the way into the reserve. It was wonderful seeing so many wheeling around. Brian commented on the huge groups of Cranes we had seen in Hungary last year which he said he found quite a spiritual experience. See! Birds aren’t just birds.

We went to the hide which Brian describes as “nice hide, no birds”. Wash your mouth out with soap Mr. Lang. This time we saw a couple of Bearded Tits thanks to Gavin being eagle eyed. The final hide of part 1 of the trip was at Denge Marsh and held lots of birds, thank goodness. No Smew unfortunately but we added Mallard, Black Headed Gull, Grey Lag & Egyptian Goose plus well camouflaged Great Crested Grebes. They were floating around with their head on their back which is totally unfair on birders keen to up their species numbers. There were Wigeon on the far bank with lots more Lapwings who had also taken over a couple of islands. Amongst all the far bank population I spotted a lone Curlew.

My stomach began to rumble. I’m sorry if that’s too much information but I really did think it was time to set off back to the car park for lunch. We hadn’t gone far before we spotted the Bearded Tit feeding station in the main reedbed. We turned in and immediately Carole and I had a mini-second sight of a small raptor slamming into the reeds, unfortunately obscured behind a muddy mound. Sparrowhawk on the list although admittedly only due to a process of elimination (very scientific). We stayed long enough to see another Beardie before nearly all of us moved on. Steven hung on and chased after us to say he had seen a large bird with bluish wings fly over. We had an interesting discussion about this over lunch back in the hide by the centre and after checking various possibilities Steven identified it as a Grey Heron.  Incidentally he might like to know that while we were at Dungeness someone in The Azores saw a Great Blue Heron, which should have been in North America, so never write any possibility off!

After lunch we made another new discovery. No, not that our northerner Brian had lunch in the car instead of with the tough southerners in the hide. We were given directions by a lady to a new-to-us pathway across to a track between the gravel pit by the centre and another large one to the south. A Long-Tailed Duck had been sighted there. Off we trudged, after noticing that the pile of gravel by a parked digger was actually a pile of sea shells, and in less than 10 minutes we were at a viewpoint overlooking the water.

A few Goldeneye were good to see and a couple of Gadwall and then Carole spotted something different quite close by. Maybe a Slavonian Grebe we thought, before getting the bins on it, since it was quite white around the head. Once focused in it was the ….. Long-Tailed Duck which dived and then started putting some distance between us. Some folk decided it was No-Tailed Duck as it certainly didn’t seem to live up to it’s name but Roger said he had seen a tail when it dived. Brian suggested it may have had a detachable tail ………”O dear,” I thought, “perhaps its time to move on!” We went along the tree fringed causeway between the pits and Helen and the advance party found us Long Tailed Tits and a Goldcrest.

The original plan was a sea watch down by the power station but time was slipping by so it was off to the ARC pits across the road. There were lots of wildfowl visible from the hide and at least 1 Marsh Harrier was on patrol. A Buzzard very kindly flew across the water and landed in a nearby tree to enable us to tick off another species. As a lovely day was ending I texted home to tell Debbie we were about to leave and immediately a Great White Egret flew in and settled down about 50 yards from us. It seemed very unconcerned, apart from when a second bird noisily touched down at the far end of the pit, and it gradually made its way towards the hide. Eventually it was right next to us giving great views and causing a 20-minute delay in leaving.

It had been a full-on day so I think we were glad to get back to warm cars and start the long journey back home. The birds didn’t stop though as I saw half a dozen Cattle Egrets in a field of sheep just past the entrance to the RSPB reserve. Close enough for an extra tick! The grand total was 47 species.

Just when the staff at RSPB Pagham thought they would have a quiet morning to chill out before their midday jaunt to Chichester for Christmas dinner they had their peace shattered by a mass murmuration of 15 members of Henfield Birdwatch. Nearly all wanting coffee!

Some, however, couldn’t wait to get started so trouped off straightaway to the hide that offers a view across the road to the Ferry Pool where some sleepy Avocets were bright and shiny, roosting close to  duller plumaged Black Tailed Godwits. Duck ID started with Mallard, Shelduck and Shoveler while Mike (trying desperately to have a day off from leading a group) found some well camouflaged Wigeon lurking in the grass beyond the pool. Turning round 180 degrees enabled us to watch small birds on the woodland bird feeders with Great & Blue Tits in the ascendency alongside Chaffinches and a hungry squirrel. Those of us who had stayed for coffee had the good fortune to see 6/7 Long Tailed Tits on a feeder at the Centre. By the time I thought to try and take a photo for the trip report they had all moved on. A Buzzard saw us off on our short spurt down to Church Norton where we braved a chilly wind to find some waterfowl and waders. The tide was a bit against us for getting close views of the waders but this was compensated for by the spectacle of hundreds of pretty Brent Geese munching away in the fields while chuntering away to each other, probably about the pleasure of a good feast after such a long journey from the wild tundra.


Carole, Helen, Gavin, Tony & Gill were rewarded for getting out to our viewpoint briskly by spotting a Kingfisher. John headed a little north of the main group and found 6 Red Breasted Mergansers while David and Mike headed to the beach and found a Long-Tailed Duck on the sea (well Mike was just a few seconds late for that one) and some Mediterranean Gulls. Carole found  Turnstones and Lesley pointed out a smart Greenshank. A mobile flock of Dunlin included a few Knot and eventually landed to do their sewing machine impersonation on a distant sandbank closely watched by dumpy Grey Plovers. Curlews patrolled the mudflats and  delivered their plaintive call to add to the piping of  numerous Redshanks. The sky was occasionally decorated with overflying Brent Geese.

Lunch was needed and we took this around the cars. Some people walked to the churchyard to visit the church. Helen took time out from culture and found a Goldcrest in the yew trees.

Next stop Medmerry. Two large water filled potholes at the entrance to the car park were successfully circumnavigated and we were welcomed by a couple of Reed Buntings in the surrounding bushes. The dead trees near the muddy channel appeared to be shorter by a few feet but still bulky enough to provide a perch for a Kestrel which obligingly flew off for a quick hover to ensure we didn’t mistake him for a Merlin. Redshanks pottered about in the mud with a backdrop of numerous Shelduck and a resplendent flock of Wigeon with their poshest feathers bright, even on this grey day. A flypast of large waterfowl showing their broad white wing patch  proved they were Egyptian Geese. A piggy-like squeal announced a Water Rail who remained sneakily under cover.

While walking between large patches of gorse we kept ourselves alert for the sound or sight of Dartford Warblers which on being found always became Wren, Robin or Dunnock. Never mind they were all nice to see! A slightly willocky Cetti’s Warbler song caused David to challenge Debbie’s adjective which on further investigation I have found to be justified. Debbie and I have always used that word to describe wistful sounds like the winter Robin song and have no plans to stop using it despite it not existing in the dictionary, so there!!! Beyond the gorse Lesley spotted a small tree dotted with a gathering of Yellowhammers and a little further on four Skylarks flitted overhead making their little burbling call.

A pesky microlite buzzed over the freshwater scrape near the seashore putting up a stunning cloud of Lapwings accompanied by a smaller group of Snipe who left one of their mates on the mud to give us a great sighting through David’s scope. Over the marshy fields to the east of the scrape a Marsh Harrier was hunting low over the reeds and grass to the consternation of the Wigeon and Teal. After having a look in the intriguing woven snail shaped shelter which has sprung up since last year we headed for the open sea.

This last leg took us to a crumbling viewpoint above the beach looking out on a calm sea which was perfect for observing any Divers, Auks or sea ducks. Unfortunately there weren’t any! A Sandwich Tern, who had obviously decided to brave the British winter, and a lone Oystercatcher were the total sum of our seawatch.

The final total of birds amounted to an amazing 77 thus exceeding the 72 of last year. I don’t think any one person saw all 77 but as a group we deserve a good clap on the back. The full list is shown below. Humans then birds!

Nigel & Debbie, Rikki, Roger K, Mike & Lesley, Will G, John C, Helen & Gavin, Gill & Tony, David B, Carole W

Mute Swan



Greylag Goose Grey Plover Blackbird
Canada Goose Lapwing Cetti’s Warbler (H)
Brent Goose Knot Chiffchaff
Egyptian Goose Turnstone Goldcrest
Shelduck Dunlin Wren
Mallard Redshank Great Tit
Gadwall Greenshank Blue Tit
Pintail Black Tailed Godwit Long Tailed Tit
Shoveler Curlew Magpie
Wigeon Whimbrel Jay
Teal Snipe Jackdaw
Long Tailed Duck Black Headed Gull Rook
Red Breasted Merganser Common Gull Crow
Pheasant Mediterranean Gull Starling
Little Grebe Herring Gull House Sparrow
Great Crested Grebe Great Black Backed Gull Chaffinch
Cormorant Sandwich Tern Linnet
Little Egret Stock Dove Goldfinch
Grey Heron Wood Pigeon Reed Bunting
Marsh Harrier Kingfisher Yellowhammer
Buzzard Green Woodpecker (H)  
Sparrowhawk Great Spotted Woodpecker  
Kestrel Skylark  
Water Rail (H) Meadow Pipit (H)  
Moorhen Pied Wagtail (H)  
Coot Dunnock  
Oystercatcher Robin  

We were looking forward to welcoming new members David Simpson and Vicki & George Baxter to a HBW walk today and duly did so about an hour later than expected. I had forgotten to clarify that we were leaving Henfield at 10.00 rather than meeting at the appointed hour in Warnham!

For myself, Debbie, Eddie, Hugh, Pauline and Roger the visit started with coffee and a cake in the warm and cosy café (a cake AND biscuits in Hugh’s case!). Debbie and I then made the others do all the ID work on the lake from the shelter of the visitor centre. They passed with flying colours. Mallard, Tufted Duck, Moorhen, Coot, Little Grebe, Cormorant, Black Headed Gull and Herring Gull. Despite Eddie’s determined effort later in the walk we drew a blank on Kingfisher which was a shame as one is reasonably often seen here.

This was more than made up for as we trundled off to the first bird feeder hide accompanied by the plaintive notes of a Robin. A small, very mobile bird flitting around the upper branches of a birch tree eventually settled long enough for an ID to be made – Lesser Spotted Woodpecker. A real wow bird these days. It was the first one I had ever seen in Britain. It gave some decent views before moving further into the woods. We reported it to the warden who told us it had turned up in early November and seemed happy to hang around the same area.

We moved on to the bird feeder hide where we made our belated rendezvous with David, Vicki and George.  Vicki & George graciously said they had enjoyed a nice walk and as they left for home they promised we had not put them off Henfield Birdwatch! David did a second tour with us and I discovered this was his local patch as he lived just 5 minutes’ drive away. No wonder meeting at Henfield was a non starter! Roger found a Bullfinch on the sunflower hearts as soon as we started looking and there was lots of other bird activity with Blue and Great Tits most numerous along with fleeting visits from Nuthatch, Coal Tit, Goldfinch and as a bonus, Siskin (a bird Hugh and Pauline used to regularly get in their garden when they lived in Twickenham!). Chaffinches foraged in the leaf litter with Blackbird, Dunnock and an industrious Grey Squirrel.

Eventually we moved on to a lakeside hide which looks out on a specially placed Kingfisher post. Lovely post but today no Kingfisher. Actually there were no photographers in the hide so the bird probably thought it wasn’t worth the effort of crossing the lake. We did add Grey Heron to the days list though. At the end of the morning Eddie made a determined last visit to the hide but still no Kingfisher.

The second bird feeder hide did have photographers and another bird working out how to give some competition to the Blue and Great Tits. I think in a few generations time we will see Pheasants feeding comfortably from the feeders. They were certainly avidly studying technique. There was also a little group of Brown Rats which had a somewhat mixed reception but at least they were out in the countryside and not up my drainpipe. The usual suspects were tucking in happily without any really exciting additions so we decided to go and search for Tree Creepers in the woods.

No luck on Tree Creepers but Debbie found us Long Tailed Tits and between us we located a Marsh Tit at which point Eddie informed me that I had failed to notify the group of an overflying Woodpigeon!

Time was getting on and the chilly dampness of the day was beginning to compromise our extremities so we decided to head for home. As the car containing myself, Debbie, Eddie and Roger sped off up the A24 Debbie announced that she had left her binoculars in the Ladies loo so we turned round and headed back to Warnham. Debbie nipped back to the centre but returned to the car empty handed. Disaster? No. Her bins were down by her feet in the car all the time!

Debbie, Rikki and I were well prepared for some blowy, chilly weather at Farlington Marshes when we visited on 11th November. We started off like Michelin men but the sight of a young couple walking in T-shirts made us wonder. It certainly wasn’t really T-shirt weather but we needed to rethink our layers! As with all good birdwatching trips we started with coffee before commencing our list with Brent Geese, Curlews and Oystercatchers out on the mudflats. We had arrived at the extreme of low tide I think and it was a feature of the morning that most other waders were minute specks on the far horizon. An exception was a huge group of Redshanks who were masking a couple of Black Tailed Godwits in their midst. Never mind the waders, there was lots else to see and we soon started to find some small birds in the scrubby bushes. A small group flitting around initially looked as though they ought to be Linnets but when they obligingly landed in a bush close by they showed themselves to be Meadow Pipits. Linnets were seen later along with Goldfinches and there was one lonesome Redwing among them.

We were soon finding watery birds in the freshwater ponds on the land side of the sea wall. Small groups of Teal and larger groups of Wigeon were seen and, in the case of the Wigeon, also heard. At one point lots of Brent Geese and Wigeon took magnificently to the sky which set us looking for a hunting raptor which may have spooked them. An innocent-looking Kestrel was the only one visible, so we reckoned the birds had just decided it was better to be safe than sorry. Indeed the Kestrel eventually gave us interesting close-up views of its underside as it hovered above our heads. Debbie found the other falcon of the day when she caught sight of a dashing Peregrine.

More geese made an appearance as we progressed and, although almost exclusively Canadas, Rikki informed us that on her previous visit a Barnacle Goose seemed to have taken up permanent residence at Farlington and was apparently enamored of a farmyard goose. Bingo! We found a very conspicuous all white goose looking very pleased with herself for having by her side a smart and happy Barnacle Goose. I like the idea of the sexes being that way round so you’ll just have to go along with it! While watching this harmonious spectacle a very vocally challenged Cetti’s Warbler did its best to blast us with its staccato call. Maybe it had a cold because it was a bit thin and feeble for a Cetti’s voice.

We moved on to a spot by the sea wall were a birder was hunkered down below the wall doing a waterfowl count. Like us he would probably have benefitted from being a few hundred yards seaward but I must say he was clicking away pretty consistently on his counter. In the nearest channel to us there were more Brent Geese and little groups of Great Crested Grebes. Rikki had earlier found us our only two Little Grebes which had amused us by briefly lifting off the water and then skidding across the surface. The bird doing this was probably a male showing off and not realizing his hoped for audience was spending most of her time diving below the surface.

Moving inland again we spotted  Shelduck and then the first of some enchanting Stonechats. We saw quite a few of these from then on and particularly enjoyed watching a pair moving in front of us from post top to post top and seemingly enjoying a game of leapfrog at the same time.

Debbie made a great spot of a Buzzard sitting nonchalantly on the ground just before we found a confusing female duck swimming with some Teal. Why don’t they make sure they have a fellow with them to help us with ID. Well we got there eventually and agreed we were looking at a female Gadwall. Well done us (there was nobody else there to contradict us!!).

We were now on the trail back for an increasingly  welcome lunch but we still had time to find a Raven perched on a cattle trough which was brought to our attention by a very nice local man with the loudest voice in the world ever. I nearly took my hearing aids out!

We had lunch in the car overlooking the mudflats where Herring, Black-headed and Common Gull were chilling out alongside the more busy Oystercatchers and Curlews. We decided to wend our way home via the viewpoint at Rackham Woods which Rikki had not visited before. Always the possibility of seeing White Tailed Eagles roosting in Pulborough Brooks which is panoramically laid out beneath the eminence of the woods. A couple were keenly looking through their scopes and I could see a “lump” in a dead tree way in the distance so I went back to the car and got my scope. The “lump” flew off just as I got it in the scope. A Crow! Not such a big “lump” as I had thought. Never mind, our day finished with a Marsh Harrier flying quite high over the brooks and disappearing towards the Downs.

A lovely day out with 48 species seen.

Seven members (me + Maggie, Tony, Hilary, Sharon & Brody and  Celia) plus guest Richard headed off to Heyshott Common yesterday.  It was a lovely still evening, and we had a short walk before the 9.30 etc (estimated time of churring).  In that time we had seen a Yellowhammer singing on top of a tree, had brief snatches of Woodlark and Tree Pipit and listened to a Dartford Warbler singing for at least 10 minutes.  Good views of a Roe Deer in the evening light too.

Bang on time the objects of the outing started churring, and we all managed to get at least two views of a female in flight – whether two females or one female twice we couldn’t be sure.

First encounter with this special place and magical birds for some of the group, and the first in their natural habitat for Richard, who had only previously seen one resting in his conservatory gutter last August!

However the highlight for me was the roding Woodcock, the first I’ve seen there in the past few years.

This should read “Trip to Old Lodge” but try as we might we could not persuade the Conservators of Ashdown Forest car parking website to accept that the cars registered with them were the same cars as we were trying to pay for, so we decided on a day out on another heathy site at Iping Common. We had a good start en route when a Red Kite landed on the road in front of us to deftly scoop up some road kill but unfortunately Iping didn’t work thanks to the gods of the wind who made it impossible to listen out for the typical birds of that habitat (and it was blooming cold and lacked a café!). So after a short walk we decided to head off to Pulborough Brooks and a much-needed coffee. So who were the “we”? Nige, Debbie, 2 x Janes, John and Brian.

Hearts sank when we arrived at Pulborough where a sign informed us the café was closed Mondays and Tuesdays ……………… but there was a coffee grab point which also sold flapjack. Yihaa! After sustenance we were ready for a second bout of birding and made for the feeding station where you are guaranteed some action. This was totally overgrown so no feeders. “We’re doomed” rang in my pessimistic ear as though Private Fraser was with us. “Don’t panic” countered this in my optimistic ear and indeed won the day.

As we progressed down the hill towards the hides, small birds began to move around the trees and bushes and even sang a few tunes for us. By the time we got to the first hide Long Tailed Tit, Great & Blue Tit, Blackbird, Blackcap, Chiffchaff and of course the ubiquitous Wren had made themselves known. Anyone who came to the play at HBW’s recent talk will resonate with the conversation that took place in the first hide. “There’s a Tufted Duck” said I. “No there’s two” chipped in someone else. “There’s three” from Brian trumped us both. Swans with cygnets were a hit, Jane H was introduced to Gadwalls while Little Egret, Egyptian Goose, Coot, Moorhen, Canada & Grey Lag Geese and Heron were all on show and as we were about to leave some Cattle Egrets flew over far in the distance. The biggest WOW moment was when Jane E spotted an obliging Hobby which flew in close and momentarily landed much to the consternation of the smaller birds.

As we walked towards the next hide Swallows and Swifts were aloft and a Cetti’s exploded in the reeds (its voice that is). While I was fretting that three of the group were taking ages to enter the second hide and possibly going to miss the huge number of Sand Martins flitting over the marsh they were enjoying the fine voice of a Sedge Warbler in an adjoining bush. I missed out on that while they still had plenty of time to enjoy all the Sand Martins! It may have been at this point that Debbie made an official complaint to me that we hadn’t seen a Sea Eagle yet. John had tried his best after spotting a big bird perched up in a far distant tree but on scoping it he discovered it was a Heron.

We moved on and while migrating to the remaining hides we were accompanied by the dulcet tones of Whitethroat and Chiffchaff and the staccato cry of the Debbie when she found us a Rook to add to our growing day’s tally. At the hides were Avocet including one which John spotted sitting on a nest. Both Avocet and Lapwing had a full-time job fending off the Crows. By this time lunch was beckoning and we sauntered back to the visitor centre and had our picnic. This started outdoors but soon moved inside!

After lunch John led us on a walk through the woods and past the heathland where, had we waited till dark, we may have seen and heard Nightjars. What we did hear in the woods was rather splendid though as we had a few breakneck speed bursts from a Garden Warbler to complement the pretty, but less effusive, song of a Chaffinch. The walk was splendid and took in some great views across  to the Downs.

By the time we called it a day and returned to Henfield we had forgotten the early bad luck at Iping and remembered a terrific day out at Pulborough Brooks. We had found 55 species of bird across the two sites which was excellent.

The master plan for the February HBW trip was to find raptors in the South Downs at The Burgh near Amberley. One look out of the window when I awoke was enough to make me rack my brains for Plan B. It needed tea and corn flakes to help formulate this and to my mind Burton Mill Pond seemed sensible as there would be at least some protection from both wind and rain!

All five of us agreed Plan B was good and we set off. Or at least we nearly set off. I hadn’t picked up a message from Carole to say she could make it so we needed to take her car as well as mine and she took Tony. At some point in the proceedings I had said she could leave her car outside my house so she didn’t get a parking fine for being over 4 hours in the car park. I therefore set off and pulled up in front of Meadowside in Church Street expecting her to pull up behind me and leave her car. As I got out of my car to find out why this wasn’t happening Tony put his head out of Carole’s window to remind me that 5 minutes before we had agreed she would need to drive to the venue. How to impress a new member of HBW!

Now we did get going and just before Pulborough we turned on to the Rackham road to cut through to Burton Mill Pond. Half a mile down the road there was an unwelcome sign: ROAD CLOSED. My street cred (assuming I ever had any) appeared to me to be diminishing rapidly. Nonetheless, with Pulborough Brooks on the doorstep a rapid decision to go there was reached. By this time I was mentally exhausted!!

On arrival I was immediately put back on my feet when Tony gleefully announced he was thrilled to be there as it was his first visit. After all the early mishaps we got straight down to birdwatching rather than beginning with coffee which is the usual group requirement. Sue knew the reserve well and directed us to the feeding station just off the main track and this was delightful. So many Great Tits! Great TitThey were all in splendid plumage and at one point I counted five round the feeders. There were Blue Tits, a couple of Long Tailed Tits and a glorious male Greenfinch with his more soberly attired partner. Goldfinches were chattering somewhere close by and Chaffinch, Robin and Dunnock pottered around the ground picking up scraps. We spent quite a while there and were rewarded by the arrival of a smart-looking Nuthatch. I was derogatory about the white Doves which fluttered in but Hilary felt I was being very unfair to them and I had to agree that they did look quite nice.

We tore ourselves away and headed downhill towards the water. Everywhere looked flooded but at least it wasn’t raining on us. We all hoped we might find Siskins or Redpolls on the way down and we turned off to the area where the birds are fed near some outbuilding with food hidden in crevices and woodpiles near a copse which includes pine and alder trees. Ideal habitat for our quarry but unfortunately not today. It was still entertaining watching the small birds finding food and hearing the early song from Dunnock, Robin and Wren.

We moved on towards the first hide after an unsuccessful search for Treecreepers in a couple of likely looking old oak trees. The water was really high so little chance of waders but surprise, surprise a Snipe gave really close up views and eventually we picked out one or two more a little further off. Two Stonechats obligingly took up look out posts along an adjacent fence giving us good views. This was Shoveler City and there were also groups of other duck species. I think Hilary was worried I was going to test her on all of them but I thought better of it (because I tend to get confused with some of the females!). However we chalked up Gadwall, Mallard, Teal, Wigeon and Tufted Duck along with Canada Goose and some far distant Mute Swans. Lapwings showed well and sometimes spooked themselves enough to fly up en masse.

Leaving the hide we found a Kestrel and then, finding worms in a field, were a small mixed group of Redwing and Fieldfare. We didn’t strike lucky with White-Tailed Eagle but while trying to ID some small birds from another hide there was a high speed but unsuccessful attack by a Sparrowhawk who disappeared as quickly as he had appeared. Before reaching the final hide we entered a small area of woodland and another flashing by raptor turned out to be a Peregrine which was a bonus. Most wildfowl from the final hide were long distance but the view was a wonderful wetland vista which is an exciting sight for all birdwatchers.

It was time to depart after what turned out to be a great morning’s birding which everyone said they enjoyed. Denis from Henfield was on duty at the site reception when we left and it was good to have a quick chat with him even if he did tell us the White-Tailed Eagle had been around about half an hour before we arrived!

Wednesday 24th January saw me, Debbie, Angela and Linda set out on our two hours plus trek to Dungeness. Was it worth battling along the A27? You bet it was! We set ourselves a challenging target of clocking up 40 species in the day but despite this pressure we chilled out with hot drinks and biscuits (well I had one) in the RSPB centre. Well, not totally chilled out as we immediately had some ducks to ID which was hampered a bit by looking into the sun. Nonetheless we spied out Shovelers and a few Teal. While paying for our drinks at reception we learned from the lady that Great Northern and Black Throated Divers had been seen regularly from the Centre and hides along the main stretch of water. Pulses quickening, we decided to visit the hide to the left of the Centre and, with the weather being so good, we were able to stand outside, next to it and scan the water. Amongst Herring Gulls and Cormorants were Tufted Ducks and some diving ducks showing a lot of white at the front. As we got better views, we could see the tell-tale white face patch of Goldeneye which was very exciting. All of a sudden Debbie called out “there’s one” and in the distance we saw a winter plumage Diver. Fantastic. Next problem was Great Northern or Black Throated. Since this question naturally rested on my shoulders I did what any experienced birder would do. I asked somebody else! He wasn’t too sure either but following further viewing and discussion we decided it was Black Throated mainly due to the shape of its head which did not appear to have the steep forehead of the other. I went over to the group and announced the verdict at which point my co-identifier came over and said he wasn’t so sure now!

In the hope that we would see it again later and perhaps closer we put final ID on hold and set off for our walk. Angela was soon hearing Cetti’s Warbler and Linda spotted our lone Oystercatcher of the day. The small pond where in past years a Long-Eared Owl has roosted held a group of Gadwall and at the first viewpoint we added Mallard and Wigeon. It was here that Debbie found the first Marsh Harrier of the day tantalizingly flying over the far-side vegetation constantly dipping out of view. As we continued a Chiffchaff flitted around the waterside vegetation and we picked up calls of Robin, Dunnock and Chaffinch.

At the next hide we were treated to the sculptural sight of Cormorants en masse decorating the branches of dead trees in the water. Even more were crammed onto an islet with a couple of Great Blacked Gulls which looked almost the same size in a different shape sort of way. Our one and only Pochard turned up on this stretch of water  not to mention the huge raft of Coots. We discussed how this species is migratory in winter with some coming as far as from Russia. Who’d have thought that of a Coot?

We marched on to a short stop at the marshy area where there are often Snipe and sometimes other waders. No luck this time as any wading would have been  under water. To compensate we were treated to a large “murmuration” of Lapwings in the distance.  A last hide stop was taken where we have in the past seen Smew. Unlucky this time and, in fact, there were not a huge amount of birds present. We did add Great Crested Grebe and Heron which were the pick of the bunch until a couple of Marsh Harriers gave really good views. On leaving the hide we observed large groups of Grey Lag and Canada Geese amongst which we were pleased to find a small group of Barnacle Geese.

By now lunch was in our minds so we were a bit put out when the direct route back to the Centre was closed due to flooding. At the end of the long march we watched the birds on the feeders while getting food supplies from the car. Blue and Great Tits, Greenfinch, Goldfinch and House Sparrow. On to the picnic site by the first hide where we had seen the Diver. Withing moments Debbie had found a bird. This time it was pretty close and a nailed on Great Northern. We

soon spotted another bird which I am sure was the one we saw first and, although it was quite distant, it was clearly different and thankfully another birder confirmed it was a Black Throated. Wow and double Wow!

Just as everyone thought they could relax after lunch I herded them back to the car and we set off for a sea watch near the nuclear power station. Sounds wonderful doesn’t it. We drove past the Derek Jarman garden and parked near the old lighthouse before making the short trundle to the beach. Not too bitingly cold this trip! Immediately Debbie found two Gannets out amongst the numerous Gulls. Time prevented us really studying the Gulls although we were able to add Black Headed. I found some auks in the water which, after again discussing with a birder, were identified as Guillemot. I subsequently saw on the Dungeness Observatory website that the previous Friday over 3,000 Guillemots passed by and no mention of Razorbills which sort of confirmed our ID.

Before finally setting off for home we dropped into the local nature reserve opposite the RSPB Centre which was very atmospheric with the evening sun beginning to drop over the water. A roosting female Marsh Harrier was doing her toilette and a stunning male did a fly over as we traced our way back to the car.

We all thoroughly enjoyed what turned out to be our 11 hour day  and we exceeded our target – 51 species.

Final species list:-

Mute Swan

Black Throated Diver Gt Black Backed Gull Long Tailed Tit
Grey Lag Goose Little Grebe Herring Gull Great Tit
Canada Goose Great Crested Grebe Guillemot Blue Tit
Barnacle Goose Gannet Wood Pigeon Jackdaw
Mallard Cormorant Feral Pigeon Carrion Crow
Gadwall Grey Heron Meadow Pipit Magpie
Shoveler Marsh Harrier Pied Wagtail Starling
Wigeon Coot Dunnock House Sparrow
Teal Moorhen Robin Chaffinch
Pochard Oystercatcher Blackbird Greenfinch
Tufted Duck Lapwing Chiffchaff Goldfinch
Goldeneye Curlew Cetti’s Warbler Reed Bunting
Great Northern Diver Black Headed Gull Wren  

Wow! We actually got to Farlington Marshes this year after cancellations previously through Covid, rain and sickness. Yipee! I was accompanied by Liz, Ian, Will, Brian and his extra strong mints and new member Tony on a chilly, grey but mainly rain free morning. The run down took about an hour and a quarter and after all that sitting in the cars we wanted to get straight out walking without the usual coffee start. Well, we walked about 1 yard before stopping to watch a group of Brent Geese and a small group of Black Headed Gulls who had been infiltrated by a couple of Common Gulls.

When we eventually set off properly I inadvertently gave the group an adventurous route onto the reserve whereby they had to ascend a steep muddy incline and worm round the end of a fence, avoiding the drop into the sea inlet. A Rock Pipit sat on a post amongst the seaweed obviously having a bit of a laugh at our antics. Everyone passed the assault course test and Brian even pointed out the entrance gate which I had totally missed. Once on terra firma we walked through some exciting damp scrub where Goldfinches, Greenfinches and a lonesome Chaffinch were feeding up in the bushes. A large flock of Lapwings and attendant Starlings passed overhead making a flappy beeline for the pastureland and ponds. This was a rich area for birds so we took our time scanning to see what we could find. Beyond the ponds were yet more Brent Geese and Canada Geese. There were Brents flying over making a lovely, cosy growling call which added to the atmosphere created by the wild calls of Curlew, Oystercatcher and Redshank. The latter two species were present in large, sleepy flocks which I was quite surprised at in Redshank which I had never before seen in such large groups. Avocets in the first big group we saw had found the water level too much even for their long legs and were gently bobbing up and down as they swam on the spot. Another good sized flock had the sense to find a shallower place. The Curlews were Liz’s favourite bird of the trip and with the scope we were able to get some really close up views. Less easy to spot were three Snipe which are always great to find.

We were happy to see a large number of duck on the open water in the pond areas especially when one large group turned out to be Pintail, probably about 30 altogether. We were equally pleased that Shelduck were there in good numbers along with beautiful Wigeon and Teal and a few splendid looking Mallard in top plumage. A small group of Gadwall skulked near a reedbed along with some Moorhens and Coots. Tony found our first Heron and Brian clocked a small bird zooming on to the top of a spiky plant on the pond bank, a Stonechat.

Will next put me in the firing line as I had the scope. Out in the sea channel was a fast-disappearing islet. The tide was high and getting even higher. Lots of waders were zooming round the islet trying to claim squatters’ rites on the fast-receding shore. Long distance wader IDing is not my forte and I am always mentally wishing Mike Russell was with us in these situations but ………. I managed! Oystercatchers were easy but eventually I found large numbers of Grey Plover and a few Black Tailed Godwits. With Will’s help we worked out the tiny birds were all Dunlin. We had hoped for some Ringed Plovers amongst them but you can’t have everything.

Tiny dots on the seawater all turned out to be Great Crested Grebes no matter how much we tried to make them Great Northern or other species of Diver. The gulls were getting bigger here with both Herring and Great Black Backed passing over. The Brent Geese were ever present and as we scanned inland again we got into two raptors sitting on fence posts. One a Buzzard and the other a smart male Marsh Harrier. Tony had found the latter earlier so it was nice that we all ended up seeing this lovely bird.

Liz decided to keep moving at this point because it was getting decidedly chilly by the sea. We followed on but got waylaid in an exciting area where raised sand banks had been made in the freshwater scrapes. Here we got really good views of Grey Plover and Dunlin all of which were having a chill out and not scurrying round like they usually do. Amongst the assorted ducks and ubiquitous Brent Geese were a new species, Shovelers. We all decided Liz had made a good choice and set off a bit more rapidly but still found a few additional species on route including Robin, Wren, Pied Wagtail, Dunnock and Great Spotted Woodpecker.

After a welcome picnic in the cars looking over the inlet of the sea we set off for a pit stop at Pagham Harbour in Church Norton. Here the tide was still too high for much wader activity at close quarters but it was lovely down there. The Great Northern Diver and Eider which had been there in the morning had discourteously moved on but we still saw a good lot of birds before leaving for the trip back home. We all agreed it had been a very good day out once again. One abiding memory being those lovely grunting Brent Geese flying around us.
