Walking Ziggy yesterday morning in beautiful weather was very pleasant, although very warm and as we are acclimatised to cold and wet conditions it will take a bit of time to get used to the heat. Our route took us alongside a tree lined stream were we put up a pair of Roe Deer from the long grass. They stood and watched us and I whispered, “Run away, don’t trust man they could have evil intent.” They sauntered off through a gap in the dividing hedge into the next field, we crept silently to the hedge and peered around the edge , the deer were wandering away but a pair of Red-legged Partridge were lying in the young corn. Although originally an introduced species for the shooting fraternity they are on the British list and breed in this area. All the time a Cuckoo was calling as we made our way to the lakes so I kept my camera handy. Sitting by the lakes in what seemed to a snowfall caused by the willows casting their seeds to the breeze there was birdsong all around, Cuckoo still calling, Green Woodpecker, Blackcap, Common Whitethroat, Wren, Robin, Blackbird, Wood Pigeon, Chiffchaff, Cetti’s Warbler, Corvids in the background plus tits working their way through the willows. My visit to the lakes was tinged with a little sadness though, after my posting on 06/05 my pleasure at seeing the newly hatched Canada Geese goslings and my concern about an intruding pair of Canada Geese constantly harassing the family. Unfortunately my worst fears came to pass, the goslings are no more undoubtedly died from cold and hunger at being unable to leave the water for the warmth of their mother’s breast and to feed. The next day the parents were in an adjoining field looking very forlorn.

John Pointing, 16th May 2024