Took Maya and my scope for a short walk along the Rye Farm track then a little way along to the west as far as the gate to the big sheep field. In just over an hour I registered 35 different species, which was rather a surprise! A Chiffchaff sang briefly near the ponds, and there were others calling – up to 5, I reckon. There wasn’t that much wildfowl on the water, mostly Mallard, Canada Geese and Black-headed Gulls, but a few Gadwall were swimming fairly close by, some Teal hiding in the bushes on the Buckwish Farm side of the water, a pair of Wigeon flew in, then managed to disappear again. Ravens were calling to the south, I heard Great Spotted and Green Woodpeckers. The highlight of the morning – though only heard – was a Water Rail squealing close by just the other side of the hedge (west of Rye Farm). The way back yielded a Sparrowhawk which dashed across the track ahead of me, a nice pair of Stonechats north of Rye Farm, another snatch of Chiffchaff song, and a Goldcrest flitting about in a small tree.
All very pleasant! (VB)