“Shocking” experience yesterday when out along the Adur with Sharon J, Sam & Al. A pair of swans, which had been sitting by the water, flew upriver, then doubled back and flew towards the overflow pit. The male landed safely, the female was lower and hit some electricity wires (with swan diverters on) – there was a huge bang and lots of flashing, and the swan plummeted to the ground beside a ditch. Thought it was a goner as it laid motionless for at least half a minute, probably longer. Then it managed to move slightly and flopped down in the water in the ditch. It lifted its head and neck a little, then a bit more and was making snake like movements with its neck, and shaking its head. Next shook its tail and started to slowly paddle in the stream. Was looking stronger when we moved off.
Went back in the afternoon and both swans were back by the river, reunited and looking fine. (VB)