Starting at the point where the old railway line (Downslink path) crosses Sandy Lane (TQ208154), the walk drops down under a bridge and through fields overlooking Rye Farm and the levels where winter floods can bring a wealth of wildfowl if water levels are right. Shoveler, Gadwall & Pintail in winter, a very occasional Garganey migrating through in spring.
Rejoin the Downslink (TQ204144), keeping an eye out for birds moving through the scrub and trees bordering the path, arrive at Stretham Bridge (TQ199136) and head north west along the left bank of the Adur to an overflow pit (TQ195142)– best ever patch bird here in the 2014 survey, a splendid Grey Phalarope. Watch out for Green Sandpipers here too – Cetti’s Warbler new here in 2017. If you’re lucky there may be Little Grebes or Kingfishers by the river.
Back across the river (TQ190152), past New Inn Farm, hoping the Swallows will be nesting there, down past Frogshole Cottage (TQ195153), across the brooks to Rye Farm and back to the village.