
1999-2024 Celebrating 25 years of Birding

25th Anniversary Logo

This is a significant year for Henfield Birdwatch as we celebrate our 25th anniversary. We are looking forward to an exciting year of activities – all of which are free for members!

There are walks and talks going on all year. Keep an eye on the Events for Members section, join the Facebook Group and look out for the Newsletters for more information.


Henfield is a great place for birds and people!

Welcome to the Henfield Birdwatch website. We are a group with an interest in birds and wildlife in general. We welcome people whatever their birding knowledge. We have group walks, talks, meet regularly for lunch and some people like to share their sightings online.

We aim to ensure that Henfield remains a great place for birds and some of our members like to become more involved by

  • regularly surveying and monitoring the local bird population and species
  • helping Henfield residents to be aware of our local birds and how to help them flourish

If this sounds interesting and you would like to join us you would be warmly welcomed.

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