The last few days have been busy on the Swift front with small parties screaming round existing nest sites.

Tony F and I have done a few Swift surveys, it appears that only one of the existing nesting sites is not active this year; we’ve been unable to record any activity at Southdown Galleries, which has been used for the last 4 years and possibly before that. If anyone hears a high pitched sound from under the eaves on the left hand side or sees a Swift going up there please let me know. A nest box that was put up in 2019 at the top of Broomfield Road has a pair of Swifts using it for the first time this year which is really exciting.  Also another one of our nest boxes has had a pair of Swifts going in and out over the past two days, a male House Sparrow has also decided to use it as a nest and is busily chirping from the opening when the Swifts aren’t about.

Our High Street House Martins appear to be doing well. Of the 9 nests 7 are definitely active this year. It’s possible that the nest at Stokes is being used by House Sparrows. There is a new nest near the garage which I’ll keep an eye on. If any of you know of other House Martins nests please let me know the address, it’s impossible to cover the whole of Henfield!

Debbie Colgate, 30th June 2024